Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Good afternoon. Boy am I spoiled today I awoke very early 5am,let the dog out and then curled back into my bed to snooze until11 am! Then the sun came brightly shining thru my window.WOW !! Wow how powerful the sun is..to be able to wake me up and bring me out of a DREAM!!! Do you ever dream???.I find it fun to have a dream..if only you could sleep thru till the endings. I always seem to awake before the dream is finished..or maybe then again it shoild never have an ending! Just a thought to ponder. I am the one who watches a movie on TV and after it is over I continue(as my husband always tells me)to write more of the script for that show!!!I really would have liked to edit or rewrite COMPLETELY the recent BATCHELOR SHOW!(But did anyone get a chance to see MELISSA on DANCING WITH THE STARS last night. She did a beautiful waltz with Max! I loved it.
Well back to my dreams..there are specialists who can interpret your dreams..but sorry I would feel like my privacy was invaded..after all it is MY dream!Just to be able to let your mind go into that wonderful state of deep sleep and let your thoughts go wherever they want(instead of where you put them many times usually into a state of worry over something that is bothering you..Where in a dream you lose control and let it just wonder. I am talking just about dreams,no nightmares!!! I also find myself daydreaming ever so often..now those are Great!
Like this afternoon just before this post I took my cup of decaf coffee unto the porch and looked out over the water and had a fun time just daydreaming as I let myself travel to a warm island(remember I am in NJ where it is a bit cold this time of year). Well I had better let myself come back into the world of reality today and get a load of laundry in( can't seem to dream that chore away!( LOL).HAppy dreams to you all!

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