Friday, April 24, 2009


I feel really good tonight after spending the day getting ready for the warm weather we are expecting this weekend. They are predicting in the 80's.So I spent most of today working on what I call my "weights and measures"! To me this is working on my clothes closet and measuring out those clothes which do not fit the weight that I am at now....Thus weights and measures!!!!
So I made quite a nice dent in the pile and have a hefty size bag all ready for the church donation rummage sale.
My husband even FINALLY decided that he does not need all of those suits and sport jackets that have been stored for years now in plastic garment bags. So someone at the church is going to be lucky if they are his size.
So now that my clothes are happy and have more room to breathe in that closet..I have to work on my body for spring!! Winter left a few lbs behind on me that I need also to give away quickly!!! Happy weights and measure to you all!

Monday, April 13, 2009


I had such a wonderful Easter and so many things to be thankful for that I had to share them.
First,my husband for once said that he really enjoyed spending the day with ALL of my family.He does not say this very often as large gatherings and the noise of children and babies crying bother his tintunitis of the ear. Also he says that all of us talk at once and he can't seem to understand a what we are all chatting about(he is very hard of hearing also).
Anyway we had a really delightful day. First my niece's,Jaime, home is a log cabin and so quaint and sweet and she has it decorated just so special!
I finally got to meet my newest great-nephew,Andrew, who is just adorable. He is my sister's second oldest daughter,Tracey's first son(their first baby girl is in heaven with the angels,she was born stillborn two yrs ago).So I am so happy that Andrew,born in January is a healthy young baby.Also my oldest niece's two sons,Jackson age 3and 1/2 and Reid age 1 and 1/2 were so well behaved. We had a great time on the deck blowing bubbles.I felt like a kid again. To watch each bubble just form and then float away and to hear the giggles from the boys was like music to the ears! My mother at age 85 was doing quite well and always so enjoys being with all of our family(she lives with my sister). The appetizers and dinner was YUMMY and quite plentiful. I thank God that we have such a wonderful family and had such a good meal. For many have no homes to celebrate and maybe just a food pantry if any to eat at.Now i look forward to the arrival in about 18 days of my oldest niece,Jaime,the mother of the two sons,birth of her new baby on April 30th or maybe even before! Our family keeps growing!
Hope all of you had a day to be thankful for something in your lives also.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I am all ready for Easter now. I have the Easter presents for my grand-nephews.
I shopped for all of the ingredients for the appetizers that i am making. My hubby is going to buy the chocolate cake tomorrow(I do not enjoy baking and it sure does not enjoy me..)

So now I just wanted to take a moment and to wish all of you a Blessed and enjoyable Easter.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Hello. I have another dilema which some of you may be able to help me out with. I do not do much entertaining anymore due to my health . However we are going to my nieces on Easter and I am to bring an appetizer and a dessert. Do any of you have any easy recipes that also will travel for two hours well. I would appreciate any help I can get! Thanks
And to all of you have a BLESSED EASTER.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


I feel like such a bad mom.No I do not have any children. But I am a mom to a wonderful cocker spaniel whose picture is on the bottom of my blog page. I adopted,baggage and all when she was just one year and a half from a private home.She had been living in a cage from 6am till 6pm.So the owner decided that their family just had no time for her. She came with purebred paper,was housrbroken and well behaved. A real Sweetie! Sheis such a sweetie. Well she was free,however she cost us about $1000 the first year. As she had Lyme and none of her shots were updated also as a puppy she had injgested something which was not biodegrageable and it got stuck in her stomach and would not pass,so the vets kept her 3 days overnight and gave her meds to empty her out and she is now just fine. She does have a thyroid problem,so she takes meds everyday. But she has more energy then I do and runs around the house freely and our yard.
Now as to why I feel like a bad mom. I took her to the groomer on Tuesday as she needs to be bathed and get her fancy haircut grommed every several months. Well this time I was ashamed at how tangled and messy she looked(I had been sick and I did not give her coat the attention that it really needs).She should be brushed every other day! So when I walked her in I told my groomer that I aplogize for the mess that her coat looked like...And I left her to their wizardry skills. THEN about 1 hour later after her bath I get a call that she has to be shaved all down.. that the groomer cannot get out all of her tangles and the it would not be fair to pull and tug on the dog that much anyway.So I reluctantly agreed.I knew that her beautiful coat would be gone and that she would look like a dog that has cocker spaniel ears and a shaved coat like a labrador retriever. I FELT LIKE THE WORST MOM IN THE WORLD! of course the dog does not know how she looks and we are going into the warmer she will not chill.So in the future I am making a vow that whatever happens SHE WILL GET BRUSHED!!! A dog is a wonderful companion and they ask so little of their the least I can do is make her look as pretty as she always dod before! If you are a dog owner you will be able to sympathize with my...I have to learn to forgive myself she is prancing around and playing and happy as she was with a full coat of hair!!! It will grow back probably by August!