Friday, June 19, 2009

I'M Back

Boy,have I been gone for a long time. I just checked in on myself and I noticed that I have not been chatting since April. Well I guess I really must have not had anything inspiring to say or at least I felt that way. Alot has changed in my life since then. The most important is that I have learned how to handle the STRESS in my life in a more mannerly fashion and to NOT let it rule me as it so often did. In fact it even put me into the hospital this past May into early June.
That was a REAL WAKE UP CALL for me again! Now I have been in the hospital before for many ailments that I have...but never because I could not control my thinking. I felt as tho I wanted to get out of my own brain.Sounds weird..I know..But unless you have experienced it will not mean anything to you..don't worry..that part is not what is important. It is the learning how to handle STRESS and each day I am getting better at it and I am so very proud of myself! I thank our Lord,GOD, for helping to pull me thru my very darkest hours AGAIN! I prayed so very hard each day to HIM asking for His help and guidance. I always remember that He is always there,however He will answer in His time,not always yours! I now remember to THANK HIM each and everyday for His help and Guidance to get me thru this
past experience! Stress can become a physical and medical problem very quickly if not understood and placed under control. Now that I am happier with myself and where I am at in my life,my next post will be to update you all on how our family has grown...two new great-nephews to brag about and how the other great-nephews are doing.YEAH!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your 2 new greatnephews! Glad to see you back blogging too! Yes, STRESS can really cause alot of problems. Since I left work, my B/P has been really good and I was taken off one of my pills. I miss work, but with the eyes and joints I just couldnt do it. Stay well and think happy thoughts all the time.
